Hannah Katsman, Author of CookingManager.Com
My mother, who died in 1990, was a model of cooking efficiency. She inspired me to think about cooking efficiency, including food safety, and time, money, and energy-saving techniques. As the years go by I feel the importance of sharing her knowledge and approach with others, especially during difficult economic times.
I’m a mother of six who cooks and bakes almost all my food from scratch.
My main profession is helping breastfeeding mothers as a lactation consultant. In my work counseling young families, I came across many who struggle with meal organization and cooking from scratch. Finding recipes is easy, but navigating the way from menu planning, through shopping, preparation, cooking, serving and cleanup, can be daunting. I started this blog to help you coordinate all of these tasks. My goal is to help you cook tasty, healthy meals quickly and easily.
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My personal blog can be found at A Mother in Israel.
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