Spinach-Mushroom Soup and Chestnut-Bulgur Stuffing

fresh spinach

I didn’t get to post a recipe yesterday, so instead I’ll link to two that I think you’ll enjoy: Spinach and Mushroom Soup by Miriam Kresh at Green Prophet Chestnut-Bulgur Stuffing, a guest post by Miriam Isserow at Cheap Healthy Good. Both Miriams are readers of Cooking Manager, and Miriam Isserow says she learned about […]

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Ten Quick Tips for Cutting Your Produce Bill

huge winter squash in market

The extreme heat in my part of the world has led to high prices in the markets, especially for vegetables. Here are some tips to help you cut down on your produce bill no matter where you live: Buy vegetables in season. Instead of buying according to your recipe, choose your menu according to the […]

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How to Cook with a Baby in the House

baby eating spaghetti in the highchair.

I’m continuing my series about cooking with children. Part I: 9 Great Reasons to Cook with Your Kids

I once took a counseling call from a mother having a hard time with her new baby. She complained that the baby starts to cry while she is doing important tasks. When I asked her for an example of a something she has trouble finding time for, she mentioned chopping onions for lunch.

I suggested that the onions could be prepared early and stored in the refrigerator until needed. If she has six hours until lunch, couldn’t she find five minutes when she is not caring for the baby? “Wait until the baby goes to sleep, then take care of the onions immediately,” I offered. She said, “You’re saying that I need to plan in advance. I don’t like to do that.”

So I told her that I have six children.

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Pan-Steamed Fish with Vegetables

raw salmon

Wednesday is Recipe Day at Cooking Manager. This technique works with almost any kind of fish: fillets or whole fish, salmon or whitefish. I וsed some tilapia fillets my husband had bought a few weeks ago on sale. I love to make fish this way because I don’t have to turn on the oven. I […]

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To Tofu or Not to Tofu: Tasty Substitutes for Dairy or Meat

Please welcome Leah Gabrielle Goodman for today’s guest post. When you talk about vegetarianism to many people, they imagine eating salad and tofu. Perhaps they’ve seen a tofurkey or two in their day, but they don’t realize how many non-meat options can can be substituted in recipes. Meat Substitutes Zucchini as Liver? Much of the […]

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Fried Potato Latkes (Pancakes) for Chanukah with Easy Homemade Applesauce

heart shaped potato

Potato latkes are a frugal food. My father grew up in Poland and ate potatoes at every meal. And with latkes, it doesn’t matter if the potatoes are a little soft. Do cut off any green parts, though, as they contain the mildly poisonous solanine. for My mother made latkes all the time, not just […]

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Interview with Vegan Rena Reich

Vegan lasagana

Last week I posted Rena Reich’s response to Dangers of a Vegan Diet. Today, you can read more about Rena and her cooking style. Tell me about yourself. I live in Eli, Israel with my family, consisting of 3 kids, 3 cats, 1 dog, 1 bird and 1 husband.I am passionate about animals and technology. […]

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Hosting Is Not for the Faint of Heart: Accommodating Special Diets

bowl of rice

My post on whether vegetarians should notify hosts about their diet sparked an interesting discussion in the comments. And Miriam linked to a cartoon from the New Yorker, showing a Thanksgiving dinner where every guest follows a different diet. I started to think about what I would serve were these my guests. Here are the […]

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Veganism, Freezing, Cooking with Kids, Food Waste and More:Friday Review #34

red onions

Cooking Manager was recommended by the website, Best of the Web. Here’s a review of posts you may have missed over the last few weeks: Yesterday’s post, Should Vegetarians Warn Dinner Hosts in Advance?, drew out some hosting horror stories in the comments. I help reader Hadassah plan her party, with Ten Things You Should […]

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Should Vegetarians Warn Dinner Hosts in Advance?

vegetarian meal with peas, rice, carrots and zucchini

Chaya left this comment on my post When Hosting, How Much is Too Much?: I am a vegetarian and often face a dilemma when I am invited out.  I don’t like to tell my host that I am vegetarian so as not to make them feel that they need to make something especially for me […]

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