Recipe: Leftover Lentil Soup

turnips in the shuk

Wednesday is Recipe Day at Cooking Manager. Sometimes leftovers get under your skin. I made lentils on Tuesday and used some of them in dinner. Then I forgot about them.  On Friday I thought about putting them in a salad. But I had other salads, and didn’t feel like draining the lentils from the liquid.  […]

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Vegan Response to Dangers of a Vegan Diet

fruit and vegetable plate

Vegan blogger Rena Reich was surprised when I asked her for an interview, because I had just written about the bad experiences of well-known vegan blogger Tasha. Her interview will appear on Monday, but in the meantime she responded to my post, Dangers of a Vegan Diet. I feel very badly for Tasha. I can […]

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9 Great Reasons to Cook with Your Kids

child washing dishes

This post is the first part of a series on cooking with kids. See also: How to Cook with a Baby in the House How to Cook with a Toddler in the House Cooking with Preschoolers: Distraction or Interaction? A child’s strongest need, even more than food or affection, is to imitate adults. That is […]

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Dangers of a Vegan Diet?

asparagus and tomato on plate

Veganism, a diet containing no animal-based foods including meat, fish, dairy or eggs, is a growing trend.You can find vegan recipes for just about anything including Thanksgiving turkey. Environmentalists like veganism too. But this week, a popular vegan blogger stopped being a vegan. Tasha of Voracious Eats was always careful to take iron and Vitamin […]

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Pomegranate-Quince Relish

yellow quinces

Wednesday is Recipe Day at Cooking Manager. This recipe comes from one of my favorite cookbooks, the Well-Filled Microwave Cookbook. This could be something special for your Thanksgiving table, or an unusual holiday gift. This is a flavor combination you don’t often see, and using the microwave means your pot won’t scorch. Ingredients: 2 large  […]

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Interview with Hadassah Levy

Hadassah Levy

Please welcome Hadassah Levy, website and social media manager for Jewish Ideas Daily and The Pet Wiki for today’s reader interview. She lives in Eli, Israel and with her husband and 4 children. What do you remember about family meals and your mother’s cooking style when you were growing up? My mother cooked typical American […]

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Video: Opening a Ripe Avocado

In this video, I try to guess how ripe the avocados will be, in preparation for making avocado salad (also on the channel). Filmed by Yosefa. Risa, looking forward to your critique! Here I posted photos of avocados at different stages.

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Linda’s Microwave Fish Fillets

raw fishes

Wednesday is recipe day at Cooking Manager. This is from my friend Linda, who says it tastes better than it sounds. Actually, fish comes out moist and tasty in the microwave because it is equivalent to steaming. Baking can dry fish out, if you’re not careful. Ingredients: 1/2 kg. or 1 lb. fish fillets (e.g. […]

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Cooking Outside the Box: Interview with Yosefa

Yosefa and family making challah

Please welcome Yosefa Huber for today’s reader interview. Yosefa lives near me, and we are having fun cooking and video-taping together. Please tell us about yourself. I grew up in South Florida and moved to Petach Tikvah, Israel almost a year ago.  I have a 5.5 year old daughter, almost 4 year old son, and […]

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Book Review: An American Wasteland

Jonathan Bloom isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty as he examines American food waste from all angles, literally.  In his new book, American Wasteland, Bloom convinces us that food waste is a huge—but solvable—environmental and economic issue. I enjoyed Bloom’s trek through American farms, schools, restaurants, highways, groceries, homes, and landfills to see first-hand […]

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