Jerusalem Artichoke Adventures

Jerusalem artichoke with olive oil and garlic

Jerusalem artichokes actually originate in North America, although they grow well in any hot climate. They contain inulin, a dietary fiber that may help diabetics. Inulin can also cause gassiness. “Jerusalem” is probably a corruption of girasole, which means “facing the sun.” Sunchoke, the official name for the tuber, probably led to the artichoke misnomer. […]

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Cook Your Favorite Recipes Faster

Most of us have our favorite recipes. And each time we make them, we do the same tasks again and again. Next time you make that dish, think how you might prepare some of the ingredients in larger quantities. This can cut the amount of time you spend preparing or cooking your food. Let’s say […]

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Get My New Book on Wise Use of Appliances

I’m excited to let you know about the publication of my first e-book. It’s called Cook Smart! Learn the Secrets of Your Kitchen Appliances and is currently available through Amazon Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle, Amazon has a free program that will allow you to read the book on your computer. Cook Smart […]

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Cabbage-Carrot Casserole with Cheese Sauce

When I see butter and hard cheese in a recipe, I usually skip it. But the recipe asks only for small quantities, and blogger Jenny described how her kids fought over the last piece. My pickier eaters did not appreciate it, but the rest of us loved it. Next time I’m invited to a pot-luck […]

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Quick Cooking Tips for Busy Parents

Getting a hot, healthy meal on the table at the end of each day is a challenge for all parents, but especially for parents who are out of the house all day. I polled readers at the Cooking Manager Facebook page for their best tips, and here they are: Make-Ahead Casseroles. Make casseroles and freeze […]

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Apple-Oat Muffins

I recently met a young woman named Allyson, who just moved to my neighborhood with her husband and 11-month-old son. When she started making healthy apple muffins for her son, her husband found they made a good breakfast to eat on the way to work. They contain no added sugar. I added some variations at […]

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Cooking for an Empty Nest: Downsizing Your Kitchen

Kids leaving home requires a huge psychological adjustment. When my oldest moved to a dorm, I cried off and on for several weeks. While my youngest is only eight years old, the next few years may find me with only two of my six home on a regular basis. I’m already starting to think about […]

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Colombian Food Adventures and Pan de Yuca

At my recent visit to Colombia, I was served yuca bread by my cousins in Bogota. They explained that the egg-shaped concoction is a traditional Colombian bread made of yuca flour and cheese. . I had never heard of yuca, but after some research I learned it is made out of the starchy root vegetable […]

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My Aborted Trip to the Medellin Market

river, train tracks, bridge with Medellin hills in background

Note: Welcome to new email subscribers! Today’s post is different from my usual fare. I’ll be back soon with tips on cooking for one or two, using beans in recipes, and leftovers. Subscribe via email for full posts right to your inbox. I recently came back from a conference in Medellin, Colombia. My conference was […]

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What Makes You Not Invite Guests Back?

Dinner party faux pas

My recent bout of entertaining got me thinking about what makes a good dinner party. No matter how much effort you put in, and as charming you try to be, the conversation doesn’t always flow smoothly. And let’s face it, some guests are just difficult (but not any of my recent guests, who mostly read […]

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