Hello, dear readers! I am reviving the website with two Ethiopian recipes that my 20-year-old son tried over the weekend. After the recipes, I’ll share a short review of a few new products from a company called Yoffi. After high school, my son spent a year volunteering in a town where he interacted with many immigrants from Ethiopia. He’s […]
10 Great Reasons to Cook Fresh Black Beans
The kids are back in school, and while the heat hasn’t let up, the smell of routine is in the air. I just finished cooking a pot of black beans, and am enjoying anticipating how I will use them. Beans take a while to prepare, although less than you might think because soaking isn’t strictly necessary. If you’re […]
Easy and Elegant Herbed Turkey Breast
I was looking for something different for the holidays, when a friend suggested turkey breast. Turkey breast is easy to slice and serve, and leftovers can be stored in small containers for quick leftovers. It tends to dry out, so be careful not to overcook. To keep the turkey moist, I slathered it with a […]
Recipe: Unstuffed Rutabagas or Turnips
Thanks to US reader Tanya who sent me this original recipe back in February, writing: I hope spring has come to Israel. Here we are still buried under a foot of snow and the ground is frozen hard. Rutabagas are still quietly sitting in the basement, nice and firm and ready to sustain us for […]
Chicken with Carrots, Sage and Black Lentils
I don’t usually cook chicken during the week but I was in a rush one day last week and had a fresh whole chicken on hand. This came out so good I had to share! The sage and the black lentils lifted the chicken onto a whole different plane. If you’ve never had black lentils, […]
Cabbage-Carrot Casserole with Cheese Sauce
When I see butter and hard cheese in a recipe, I usually skip it. But the recipe asks only for small quantities, and blogger Jenny described how her kids fought over the last piece. My pickier eaters did not appreciate it, but the rest of us loved it. Next time I’m invited to a pot-luck […]
Colombian Food Adventures and Pan de Yuca
At my recent visit to Colombia, I was served yuca bread by my cousins in Bogota. They explained that the egg-shaped concoction is a traditional Colombian bread made of yuca flour and cheese. . I had never heard of yuca, but after some research I learned it is made out of the starchy root vegetable […]
Recipe: Mushroom-Onion-Nut Pate
I made this recipe for the first time last Passover, when I was looking for something new to spread on the matzah. You may want to double this one, as it goes fast. Ingredients: 1-2 tablespoons oil 1 onion 6 mushrooms handful of fresh parsley handful of nuts, like pecans or walnuts. Instructions: Chop onions […]
Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure by Lorna Sass
I tend to flip quickly through new cookbooks, skimming over all of the recipes I know I’ll never make: The recipes are too complicated, I don’t keep the necessary ingredients on hand, or the recipes are just another way of combining foods that we get enough of already. But when Yosefa got interested in pressure […]
Last-Minute Black-Eyed Peas Chili
This recipe appears in Lorna Sass’s Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure. I can’t say enough about this wonderful cookbook. My full review appears here. The dish was unusual—sweeter and spicier than I’m used to. Like most bean recipes, the leftovers tasted even better. Last-Minute Black-Eyed Pea Chili Ingredients: 1 tablespoon safflower or canola oil 1 to […]