Tabbouleh is a simple salad based on bulgur wheat, a boon for a busy cook who wants to eat healthy. To make bulgur, grains of wheat are cracked and partially cooked. Either cook it briefly in boiling water or merely soak it, like in the recipe below. Bulgur is sold according to coarseness, from whole to very fine.
For a light no-cook summer meal for 3-4 people, add some yogurt or canned beans, or serve with tuna or prepared chumus (chick-pea spread).Tabbouleh is a simple salad based on bulgur wheat, a boon for a busy cook who wants to eat healthy. To make bulgur, grains of wheat are cracked and partially cooked. Either cook it briefly in boiling water or merely soak it, like in the recipe below. Bulgur is sold according to coarseness, from whole to very fine.
For a light no-cook summer meal for 3-4 people, add some yogurt or canned beans, or serve with tuna or prepared chumus (chick-pea spread).