This post is the first part of a series on cooking with kids. See also: How to Cook with a Baby in the House How to Cook with a Toddler in the House Cooking with Preschoolers: Distraction or Interaction? A child’s strongest need, even more than food or affection, is to imitate adults. That is […]
Should Toddlers Eat Dessert?
Over at Super Healthy Kids, Amy answers a question about toddler servings:
My friend and neighbor Liz, asked me this week, what appropriate portion sizes are for a toddler. It’s tough to use the old rule of letting their appetite dictate how much they eat, because when my kids were toddlers, they would often be “too full” for the rest of their dinner, but somehow have plenty of room in their little tummies for dessert!
Make Your Own Convenience Foods for Your Baby
Parents these days are busier than ever, and the labels on those costly jars and boxes of baby food promise wonderful things. However, babies don’t eat a lot and for a few minutes in the kitchen, you can provide your baby with fresh, “whole,” and inexpensive foods. Gradually more of baby’s food will be cooked with your own. Save even more time by letting your baby eat by herself while you are in the room.
As your baby grows the expense of purchased foods will grow too. Exposing your baby to your taste in food, and developing smart cooking techniques, are long-term investments.
Starting Solids the Easy Way, Feeding Babies Frugally Part III
This is the third in a four-part series on Feeding Babies Frugally.
Part II: Starting Solids: When and Why
Part IV: Make Your Own “Convenience Foods” for Babies will appear next week. Sign up by email or RSS Reader to get future posts.
People make too much of a fuss over baby foods. Ever since the baby food industry put so much effort into making and selling attractive foods, we feel like we’re depriving our children if we don’t prepare something similar. But you can make good, nutritious food for your baby with a minimum of time. And if you train your baby to eat solid foods on her own, you will save yourself hours of time in the future.
Starting Solids, When and Why: Feeding Babies Frugally, Part II
This is the second in a four-part series on Eating Frugally. Part I: The Early Months appeared last week. Part III: Starting Solids the Easy Way Part IV: Making Your Own “Convenience Foods” for Babies Sign up to recieve future posts by email or RSS Reader. You can save money on your baby’s food by […]
Feeding Babies Frugally, Part I: The Early Months
This is the first in a four-part series. Part II: Starting Solids: When and Why, Part III: Starting Solids the Easy Way and Part IV: Making Your Own “Convenience Foods” for Babies will appear later. Sign up by email or RSS Reader to get future posts.
Note: Why discuss breastfeeding on a blog about cooking efficiently? You can’t make breastmilk in the kitchen and I am not going to give recipes for making formula. But if I am discussing easy and inexpensive ways to feed babies I need to start at the beginning. Tips on formula appear at the end.
Feeding Picky Children without Wasting Food
It’s Money-Saving Monday on CookingManager.Com An old friend sent me the following email: Hi! I love the blog – I have been reading it faithfully every day – it’s such a great balance of short and simple common sense things that are real and work and are doable! That is a big compliment, coming from […]