Sourdough Muffins

Batters with sourdough have a special flavor. Even when I do it “wrong,” sourdough muffins can’t be compared to ordinary ones and if I only used sourdough for this recipe, it would be worth the trouble.

The recipe comes from Richard Packham’s Sourdough Recipes. I’ve added my comments at the end.

Recipe: Cottage Cheese and Noodles

Wednesday is Recipe Day at CookingManager.Com

This is one of my favorite comfort foods from childhood. A variation on traditional Jewish dairy noodle kugel, my Americanized mother simply called it cottage cheese and noodles. She usually served it on Thursdays, one of her two days for dairy meals.

When I married, she included Cottage Cheese and Noodles along with her baking mix recipe. I’ll share more of her recipes in the coming weeks.

I copied the ingredients as they appear, but for some reason she forgot to mention poppy seed. Don’t skip it. It makes this noodle casserole stand out from the rest.

Recipe: Homemade Pizza Dough

The recipe comes from Craig Claiborne’s Gourmet Diet, another cookbook belonging to my mother. When the author developed health issues, he rewrote recipes from his previous cookbooks wrote new ones for ketchup, pickles, mustard, and other staples, all without salt.

Homemade Pizza Dough


Recipe: Homemade Flour Tortillas

This is a simple recipe for homemade tortillas. Kids love to help shape the balls and roll them out. Older kids can stand at the stove. Preparation time: 45 minutes to an hour, including 35 minutes of “resting” time. Allow extra time if you’ve never made them before. Ingredients: 2 cups flour, whole-wheat, white or […]

Grilled Eggplant Dip

Wednesday is Recipe Day at CookingManager.Com. Click here to submit a recipe. Leah shares an easy recipe for the food processor: Grilled Eggplant Dip Ingredients: 1 large eggplant 1 red bell pepper 1 large tomato 1 cloves garlic 3 tbsp cup olive oil small bunch cilantro ½ tsp paprika salt to taste Instructions: Grill the […]

Stuffed Cabbage

Wednesday is Recipe Day at CookingManager.Com. Stuffed cabbage, or holishkes, are traditionally served on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot and most often on the seventh day, the half-holiday of Hoshana Rabba. Anything that must be filled  can seems daunting, but stuffed cabbage is forgiving. The worst thing that could happen is that the rice would […]

Vegetable Soup with Chicken Kneidlach (Dumplings)

Today’s recipe comes from Abbi of Confessions of a Startup Wife. See her blog for more recipes.

This is a lighter take on chicken vegetable soup that doesn’t take hours to make but you still get the chicken-y taste and feel of the “real thing”. It’s a nice dinner for mid week or quickie Friday night when you don’t have a lot of guests. It also takes kindly to improvisation.

Homemade Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise has a reputation for spoiling quickly. But most people have no problem keeping a jar of store-bought mayonnaise for months. I bet they wouldn’t try that with an open can of tuna or a hard-boiled egg.

The acid of the lemon juice or vinegar keeps homemade mayonnaise from spoiling. I store mine in a plastic container in the refrigerator, usually for several weeks. If the oil separates from the egg you can mix them up again—this doesn’t mean the mayonnaise has spoiled. If you are not sure whether the mayonnaise is okay, leave it for another day or two. Then you will know for sure by the smell. Spoiled mayonnaise develops visible mold or mildew.

One-Pot Meal: Chicken with Vegetables

Note: I republished this post because it was accidentally deleted. Wednesday is Recipe Day at CookingManager.Com I like to make this quick meal for Friday night when I don’t want to turn on the oven. It will give you a lot of leftover pan drippings, so use them wisely. Serves 4-6. Ingredients: One whole chicken, […]

Recipe: Gefilte Fish Balls in the Food Processor

Instructions are included for preparation both with and without a food processor.

These came out so well for my son’s Bar Mitzvah that I plan to make another batch in honor of Rosh Hashanah.

Serves ten as an appetizer. Use a small egg when making half a recipe.