Here is the roundup of posts on CookingManager.Com for the week of November 1, 2009. Even though it’s Friday, I published Making Gradual Changes: Bread. Wednesday’s recipe was for Sourdough Starter. You can follow the Facebook Discussion by signing up for the CookingManager.Com Facebook page using the widget on the right of the blog. I’ll […]
Friday Roundup #17
Here’s the week’s news from Cooking Manager:
In Is This Food Safe to Eat, I prepared a chart to help home cooks when they are storing and eating leftovers. One friend on Facebook said that her mother liked to say, “When in doubt, throw it out.” If you’re not sure whether a food is fresh, don’t eat it. But if you store food correctly and are careful to use it up quickly, you won’t get to the point where you have to make a tough decision. At least not very often.
Friday Roundup #16
I apologize to readers who subscribe by email or RSS, because they haven’t received new posts for the last couple of weeks. It seems to be fixed. Feeds now include recent comments at the bottom. I began a series on Feeding Babies Frugally. The Early Months and Starting Solids, When and Why are already up. […]
Friday Roundup #14
On Monday I posted Six Low-Tech Kitchen Tools to Save Time and Money. And Thursday I asked readers whether they admit to guests that the food isn’t so great. Posting will continue to be light for the next two weeks, during the remainder of the Jewish holiday season. If you have a recipe or other […]
Friday Roundup #13 and a Happy New Year
Posts for the week of September 13 on CookingManager.Com: Sunday’s post explained How to Defrost a Freezer. On Monday, I shared my mother’s recipe chart for a homemade baking mix. On Wednesday, Abbi shared a recipe for Vegetable Soup with Chicken Knaidlach (dumplings). And yesterday, I typed up my vegetable calculation chart as a spreadsheet […]
Friday Roundup #12 and Holiday Update
With several weeks of Jewish holidays coming up, I’ll be posting two or three times a week. I need to spend more time on publicity, and I want to shake up the topics too. Suggestions are welcome, as always.
Next week look for a guest post recipe, instructions for defrosting the freezer, and memories of my mother’s home-made baking mix.
Posts for the week of September 6, 2009:
On Sunday, I gave Advice on Buying Pressure Cookers.
Monday we talked about School Lunch Ideas.
On Tuesday I described Preparing for a Holiday Cooking Session.
And Wednesday I gave the lowdown on that maligned food, Homemade Mayonnaise.
Friday Roundup #11 and an Interview
At Here in Highland Park, Leora interviewed me about setting up and running CookingManager.Com. Thanks to Leora for her thoughtful questions and to all those who left lovely comments. Baila‘s is my favorite:
Hannah’s new website is for anyone who ever stands in a kitchen. (Meaning you don’t even have to cook to gain something from it)
And Leora said:
You write so well and are a role model for those who want to do a project and then set about to do so.
I hope you enjoy the interview.
The recipe blog by some Manhattanites,
Friday Roundup #10 and Links
This week I got back to a full posting schedule. On Sunday I continued my series with Food Processor Basics. On Monday I wrote about Pre-Leftovers and Rotating Food. I continued the theme on Tuesday with a list of cooked foods I normally keep on hand for Putting Quick Meals Together. Wednesday’s recipe was for […]
Friday Roundup #9 and a Request
This week on CookingManager.Com I wrote about Using Your Food Processor Efficiently, Estimating Quantities, and Low-Fat Turkey Meatloaf. Next week will feature another post about food processors, my neighbor’s recipe for gefilte fish balls, and more. Now for the request. I know I can never please everyone, and that’s fine. But if you are a […]