Friday Roundup #8 and More Thoughts on Spoilage

Posting was light this week, post-Bar Mitzvah. Next week I will be away for a few days, but I have scheduled my first post on the food processor (Sunday) and a meatloaf recipe (Wednesday). I hope to get the posts for Monday and Tuesday to the screen on time as well—the bar mitzvah gave me many new ideas.

My friend, who made a bar mitzvah a month before ours, also had a problem with food spoilage.

Friday Roundup #7, and Thoughts on Excess Food

In Wednesday’s update I was concerned about not having enough chicken. I was a little embarrassed when I realized that one of my guests has been following this blog! I told her that I decided not to cook more chicken. My daughter (bless her) said, “You have enough chicken!” It’s possible that if I cooked more it would get eaten, but most likely not. And even if we run out of chicken, there is plenty of other food.

The problem is that observant Jews don’t cook on the Sabbath. So whatever we have prepared, is what there is. And it’s embarrassing to run out of food. And that’s separate from the Jewish “tradition” of having loaded tables.

Friday Roundup #6, Plus an Announcement

I changed my posting schedule this week so that I could write about my son’s Bar Mitzvah. On Tuesday, I made the challah using six kilograms of flour. My daughter mixed the ingredients, I kneaded by hand for 45 minutes (!), and my son shaped all of the braids and rolls. I took pictures. We ended up with two extra large challah, 4 medium, and about 30 large rolls. It all went into the freezer.

On Sunday, I shared my thoughts on Bar Mitzvah Menu Planning.

Friday Roundup #5

The week of July 19, 2009 at CookingManager.Com: We started with Energy-SavingTips for Gas Burners. Monday featured Keep Hot Foods Hot and Cold Foods Cold. On Tuesday, I wrote about home catering my son’s upcoming Bar Mitzvah. And on Wednesday, I shared a recipe for Summer Beet Borsht. Have a good weekend!

Friday Roundup #4, And CM Gets Noticed

I returned home this week and am still in a jetlag induced fog. Here are the posts featured on CookingManager.Com for the week of July 12, 2009: On Sunday, I wrote about gas burners and how they work. Energy saving tips will appear this Sunday. Monday featured an informative guest post by Fern at Life […]

Friday Roundup #3

The week of July 5  on CookingManager.Com: On Sunday I talk about an essential energy-saving and frugal cooking tool, the pressure cooker. On Monday I answer a reader’s question about food waste and children who are picky eaters. On Tuesday I share techniques for saving time by starting the cooking process early. And on Wednesday […]

Friday Roundup #2

On Sunday I continued my series on appliance efficiency with Microwave-Safe Utensils. In Putting Food in Perspective I described my mother’s no-nonsense approach toward eating. Next week I’ll be posting a response from a reader. In Avoiding the Emergency Run to the Store, I talk about the benefits of making do without. On Wednesday I […]

Friday Roundup #1

I’ve set up a weekly posting plan for CookingManager.Com. On Sundays, I post about kitchen appliances and equipment. This week I published the first part of a series on microwave cooking: Microwave Myths. This Sunday I’ll share tips on choosing microwave-safe equipment. Monday is Money-Saving Day. In  Eat Less Meat and More Vegetable Protein, I […]